Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Bridger has been in Gymnastics now for a while. HE LOVES his gymnastic classes and is SO good at them. He is SO strong and does the exercises with perfect posture. The teachers were so impressed by his little muscles and how well he performs.

He is my active little boy and this is a great outlet to get his energy out. He gets to run, jump, swing, tumble, everything he needs to do get all the wiggles out.
After he does a flip or a jump he always holds his hands way up high and says "TA DA"!!!! ..Its SO CUTE!

TA DA!!! =) My sweet boy

Until next time, 

1 comment:

Julianne said...

That Bridger is so Athletic! On one of the pics he is completely doing the "Thriller" dance. LOL. CUTE KID!